Be Smart And Think Twice Before Acting During Divorce

It's very easy to get so wrapped up in the emotional side of the divorce experience that you make some errors in judgment. Some of those errors could end up causing you even more stress than you are already having to deal with, so read on and find out how to avoid the following bad moves during divorce. You want the family home and little else The issue of marital property is a lot more complicated than some might think, and this is one time when some thoughtful math might be in order. [Read More]

Don't Allow Your Divorce To Ruin Your Retirement

For most people, just getting through a divorce can be enough of a challenge without having to worry about retirement at the same time. Divorce, however, presents a time for both financial pitfalls and unexpected opportunities. Divorce and retirement have one big thing in common: money. The arrangements you make about finances could come back to affect you negatively during your retirement years if you aren't careful. Read on to learn more about two divorce and retirement-related money issues. [Read More]

Facing Criminal Charges For A DUI Offense

Drinking alcohol and driving afterward is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make, especially after consuming a large amount of it. However, sometimes mistakes happen that lead to making bad decisions and having to face the consequences. If a bad decision caused you to injure another person after getting into an accident due to driving drunk, it is likely that you are facing a substantial amount of legal trouble. [Read More]

What To Do When You Are Separating From Your Spouse

Separating from someone you used to care about is rarely an easy thing. There are lots of fond memories to look back on, but the relationship may seem to have run its course. Instead of having mostly good times you find the bad moments beginning to overtake any joy that was once there. That's when you know it's time to go your separate ways. If you find yourself facing this kind of scenario, keep reading so you'll know how to handle the process. [Read More]