Trouble At Work? 2 Signs You Are Being Discriminated Against

When you are at work, you already have a lot on your plate. In addition to worrying about completing your daily workload, you might also be stressed about getting along with co-workers or landing that new client account. Unfortunately, many U.S. workers also have to worry about discrimination in the workplace—an invisible, yet ever-present glass ceiling that can affect every aspect of your job. Here are two signs you are being discriminated against in the workplace and what you can do to make things right. [Read More]

5 Ways Motorcyclists Can Avoid Personal-Injury Accidents

There is no doubt that motorcyclists are much more likely to be in fatal accidents than cars. The lack of protection for motorcyclists makes this obvious. Additionally, personal accidents are often much more expensive for bikers than for drivers in their cars. If you are a biker or are thinking about getting a bike, keep this advice in mind to avoid a terrible car accident. 1. Leading causes of motorcycle accidents include inexperience paired with popularity. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Know About Legally Adopting A Baby

Adoption can be a beautiful thing that can bless both the lives of the birth family, the child, and the adoptive family. Many parents have increased their family through adoption and have had positive experiences in the process. However, in some cases, adoption can be stressful for legal reasons. This is why you should always have a family lawyer that you consult and hire before going through an adoption. Here are some things you need to know to prepare yourself for the process. [Read More]

4 Common Defamation Defenses

Have you been charged with libel or slander? It very well may be the case that you're entirely in the clear and your personal injury attorney can formulate a great defense in your favor. Read on and discover just a few common defamation defenses.  Qualified Privilege You very well may have the right to make inflammatory statements against certain individuals. The onus will be on the plaintiff, in such cases, to prove that the individual who made the statement acted out of ill will or with malicious intent. [Read More]