Have you been charged with libel or slander? It very well may be the case that you're entirely in the clear and your personal injury attorney can formulate a great defense in your favor. Read on and discover just a few common defamation defenses.
Qualified Privilege
You very well may have the right to make inflammatory statements against certain individuals. The onus will be on the plaintiff, in such cases, to prove that the individual who made the statement acted out of ill will or with malicious intent.
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Four Pre-Divorce Financial Planning Moves To Make Now
Divorce is undoubtedly a stressful time of major upheaval, but with good planning, you can help make one major factor for your future more secure. You have the power to make four financial moves now that will help smooth the way for a more secure future for you and your children, so read on to learn more about these moves to make now before your divorce is final.
Plan for the future.
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How Your Losses Are Determined In A Personal Injury Lawsuit
When you have been injured because of the negligence or purposeful intent of a responsible party, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. In order to have a viable lawsuit, you have to be able to establish that you have suffered losses because of your injuries. These losses are divided into two categories, losses that you can measure, and losses that you can't quantify. To determine your final compensation for a personal injury claim, the judge will look at both categories of losses and come up with a final number for your reward if you win your lawsuit.
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Injured In A City Park? Here's What You Need To Know
A day at the park is supposed to be fun and relaxing, but that can quickly change if an injury occurs. This can lead to ongoing pain and suffering along with high medical bills. In some cases, the city or municipality that owns the park may be responsible for you injury and losses. The following guide can help you determine whether to pursue a claim.
Was the injury due to negligence?
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