The Dreaded Left Turn And Fault In Auto Accident Claims

In the world of a car accident attorney, few things bring more cases to their office than the left turn. Especially with turns that occur in areas like two-lane roads and ones with center turn lanes, there are plenty of ways an accident can occur. Figuring out fault in these cases can be tricky so it helps to know how a car accident lawyer might see your case. Let's take a look at three of the top issues an attorney might bring up while discussing a claim related to a left turn. [Read More]

Pursuing A Workplace Injury Lawsuit If You Lost Hearing Due To Your Employers

You work in a very noisy environment and have noticed that you've been losing your hearing acuity quite rapidly. This situation can be very scary if you end up losing most if not all of your hearing. Can you sue your employer in this situation? Possibly, but it may require a professional injury lawyer who specializes in workplace injury assistance to properly handle. Noise Can Be a Major Workplace Danger [Read More]

3 Examples of Situations When You Should Contact a Construction Lawyer

Construction lawyers are professional individuals who are highly knowledgeable of the legal issues that a construction company or construction contractor can face. If you are in the construction business, having a good attorney like this on your side can be a huge thing. These lawyers can help you with a full list of issues that can come up in your business and help you also avoid potential legal problems as well. [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Workers Compensation

The workers compensation system is designed to ensure that folks who cannot make a living due to temporary or permanent injuries do not suffer financially as a result. It can be a complex system to navigate, and denials are common. According to one survey, 13% of claims were denied because they were filed too late. A further 5% were denied because it was determined the injuries occurred outside work. The majority of workers who suffered denials eventually resolved their claims by negotiating with the insurance carrier as opposed to taking the matter to a hearing. [Read More]