Three Examples Of Intentional Tort Assault That Can Result From Pointing A Firearm

There are many different actions that can lead to criminal and civil consequences for the perpetrator, which can leave you with some important decisions to make if you're a victim. While you may wish to call the police to report an action against you, you may also want to hire a personal injury attorney if the act against you falls under the intentional tort of assault. Pointing a weapon is a prime example of something that can have both criminal and civil law consequences. [Read More]

Top Ways To Build And Improve Your Credit After Bankruptcy

While you will face consequences if filing for bankruptcy, including a hit to your credit score, it is not that hard to improve your credit after filing. In fact, with the right steps, your credit could be better than it was before you filed for bankruptcy within just six months to one year. Improving your credit will require some work, though, and here are four of the top ways you can accomplish this. [Read More]

Filing A Product Liability Lawsuit

Toys are enjoyed by children as young as babies, but there are also a large amount of adults who find them enjoyable or collects them. When it comes to children's toys, it is important for them to be manufactured in a way that does not pose a safety risk. For instance, if a toy is a safety risk for children under a certain age, the manufacturer must place a warning on the toy or packaging that alerts parents about it. [Read More]

Evidence For Your Truck Accident: What You Should Know

If you get into an accident with a commercial truck, evidence collection is extremely important to your case. Here are some examples of evidence you need to collect to help win your claim against the company who owns the truck. Violation of Safety Rules All drivers of commercial trucks must have a commercial driver's license to legally operate the vehicle. The driver is also employed by a motor carrier, who must abide by certain safety laws. [Read More]