How A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help Protect Your Rights

If you've been accused of committing a crime, hiring a criminal defense attorney will be your smartest decision. This attorney can offer you legal advice and will take the other necessary measures to keep your legal rights from becoming compromised throughout each phase of the legal process. Here are some of the key ways that a criminal defense attorney can help protect your rights. Review the Evidence The attorney who you hire from a criminal defense law firm can review the evidence that pertains to your case to make sure that all the important pieces of information will be admissible in court. [Read More]

Signs You Need A Birth Injury Attorney Following Your Child's Birth

Every pregnancy comes with some risk to the unborn child, and unfortunately, some babies are born with injuries or defects that occur due to the way they were delivered. Babies born with birth injuries often have large bodies or heads or suffered from some type of difficulty while they were being born. Mothers who have smaller birth canals or who give birth prematurely may be more likely to have struggles with birthing children, and this can lead to a birth injury. [Read More]

Three Things That May Happen When Someone Intentionally Crashes Into You

Intentionally causing an auto accident is dangerous, so you'd think people would not act so recklessly. Unfortunately, folks often act in irrational ways. While resolving this kind of accident may seem easy, it can actually be more complex to deal with than a regular one. Here are three issues you may need to contend with if someone intentionally crashed into you. The Insurance Company May Not Pay In cases where the other driver is clearly at fault, you would file a claim with the individual's insurance company so the provider would pay for the damages its client caused. [Read More]

Three Times When You Need To Consult With A Car Accident Attorney

You may have seen commercials for car accident attorneys on television and likely seen ads on billboards and on the internet. You may even know friends or relatives that have hired one before. But if you get into a car accident, you will inevitably ask yourself if you need a lawyer. The following are a few situations when you should contact a traffic accident attorney. You are being told the accident was your fault [Read More]