Unconventional Ways To Co-Parent After A Divorce

Divorce is difficult for everyone, but it can be especially difficult for couples with children. There are many different custody arrangements divorced parents can make, but there are some you may not have heard about. Here are a few unconventional custody arrangements for divorced parents. 1. Co-Parenting In most traditional custody arrangements, one parent will receive primary custody (often this is the mother) and the other will have partial custody or visitation rights. [Read More]

Do You Need A Probate Lawyer? 3 Questions To Ask

Do you have a loved one who recently passed away? Are you the executor on the estate? If so, you may find it helpful to hire a probate lawyer to guide the estate through the probate process. A lawyer can help you with some of the more complicated aspects of probate and can take care of administrative duties that you may not have time for. However, there may be some situations in which an attorney isn't necessary. [Read More]

Student Loans And Bankruptcy: What You Need To Know

Although your student loan debt continues to pile up, you may not be forgiven of the debt in a bankruptcy case. Student loans and bankruptcy do not go hand-in-hand, but it is not impossible to ease your burden. Learn more about what happens to your student loans during bankruptcy. Can a Student Loan Be Forgiven in Bankruptcy? Student loans can be forgiven under bankruptcy law, but you must be able to prove financial hardship for the loan to be forgiven. [Read More]

Avoid Foreclosure With A Short Sale Or Deed

You may be having trouble paying your mortgage on time and are looking at foreclosure. To avoid it, you have a limited number of options. Selling your home through a short sale is one of your best options. Here is information about selling your home in order to avoid getting the foreclosure on your record. How does a short sale work? When you sell the house as a short sale, you have permission from the mortgage loan lender to sell the house for less than what you currently owe for the loan. [Read More]