Hit By A Delivery Driver? 3 Things To Know About Their Insurance

Everyone loves to get a package delivered from their favorite online platform. But those packages are also traveling back and forth on America's roads in delivery vehicles of all sorts. And if one of those vehicles hits you, who pays for the damage or injury?  This may be a more complex question than you think. Here are three things you need to know to protect yourself.  1. Many Drivers Are Independent [Read More]

Tips For Being Prepared To Pursue Workers' Compensation Claims

Navigating the complex process of seeking workers' compensation can be daunting for anyone who has suffered an on-the-job injury. With wide-ranging rules, regulations, and pitfalls to avoid, injured workers need to understand the process and how best to approach their claims. Tip: Seek Medical Attention Right Away   A critical first step after sustaining a work-related injury is to seek immediate medical attention. This is critical for your health and well-being while being necessary to initiate a successful claim. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Know About Printing A Supreme Court Brief

The judicial system in the United States allows for certain cases to be appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court reviews the various briefs that are submitted to determine which cases they will entertain in open court. If your brief is not printed properly, your request for an appeal could be denied before the Supreme Court even has a chance to read through the brief itself. Here are three things that you need to know about printing a Supreme Court brief to ensure your appeal passes the screening process. [Read More]

As The Executor Of A Will, Do You Need To Hire A Probate Lawyer?

Being named the executor of someone's will can be both an honor and a responsibility. Once that person passes away, you will be the one responsible for making sure the terms of the will are carried out. This may involve dividing assets between various people, sending money off to organizations as donations, and selling an estate. Should you hire a probate attorney to help you through this process? If the will was written clearly and with the assistance of a qualified attorney, you may not have to. [Read More]