How Will A Domestic Violence Claim Impact Your Custody Case?

If you've been the victim of domestic violence at the hands of your child's other parent, you may assume that this action will eliminate any chance that this parent will receive joint or shared custody of your child. However, these matters can be a bit more complex than they may seem. Often, without a misdemeanor or felony domestic abuse conviction, the other parent will have the same parenting rights you do. [Read More]

How To Avoid Or Deal With A Work Related Back Injury

Whether it's lifting a heavy box of printer paper to load the copy machine or lifting a large box of merchandise in a warehouse, heavy lifting is a task that finds its way into most jobs. Due to this, back related injuries from heavy lifting are a common occurrence. Learning how to lift properly can help you avoid an injury to your back. Proper Technique The foundation of heavy lifting involves having a wide stance. [Read More]

5 Helpful Tips For Avoiding A Speeding Ticket

Although a speeding ticket probably will not give you any jail time, it can have some consequences. If you get caught speeding, you can face hefty fines, higher auto insurance rates and even license suspension. When you are driving on the road, you should be careful not to speed. Here are five helpful tips for avoiding a speeding ticket. Do Not Admit That You Were Speeding If you get pulled over by a police officer, you should never admit that you were speeding. [Read More]

3 Ways To End Your Marriage

Deciding on the least stressful way to divorce can be difficult. Each marital situation is different, and the state of the relationship as the marriage is ending will determine the divorce that is necessary. Scheduling an appointment with your attorney can help you choose the right type of divorce. Knowing the legal ways to do this beforehand can prepare you when faced with this difficult situation. Uncontested Divorce When both of the spouses want to divorce, the simplest way to do so is with an uncontested divorce. [Read More]