Many people considering filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy have some very real fears about what the state will take in the bankruptcy process. The idea that you can "lose everything" is a common misconception that prevents many people from considering bankruptcy – an option that could help them get their lives back on track. It is time to set this falsehood to rest.
You Don't Lose It All in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
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Filing For Workers' Compensation Benefits With PTSD: What You Need To Know
The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can impact your ability to perform your work duties. Proving whether or not you deserve workers' compensation benefits for it, though, can be difficult. Here is what you need to know if you have PTSD and are unable to work.
Can PTSD Result from Working?
Some situations within the workplace can result in a PTSD. For instance, firefighters who bear witness to a horrible tragedy that resulted from a fire could have work-related PTSD.
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How An Injured Worker Can Qualify For Workers Compensation Benefits
Paying for treating a job injury is usually the responsibility of an employer if the worker is not at fault due to negligent operation of equipment. A lawyer can help you find out if you can get workers compensation benefits to help you maintain your living expenses as you recover from the injury. In this article, you will find out how qualifying for workers compensation is determined and how much the services of a lawyer will cost.
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About Hiring A Lawyer To Start The Process Of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy & The Cost To Hire One
You don't have to struggle with the stress of owing creditors if you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You must pass a means test before you can enjoy the relief of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Below, you will learn about the process of Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the cost to hire a lawyer to help you file.
What is the Process for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Although a lawyer is not required for you to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it is in your best interest to hire one.
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