Divorce And Co-Parenting: Four Crucial Issues To Address In Your Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is a crucial document that outlines the care arrangements for the children after a divorce. When drafting this agreement, most people are keen to address important issues such as visitation schedules, school holidays, and child care. However, there are other seemingly minor issues you should discuss to avoid conflict and ill feelings between you and your ex. With this in mind, here are four crucial topics you should tackle in your parenting plan to ensure smooth co-parenting. [Read More]

Essential Facts You Need To Know About The Probate Process

Estate planning laws require heirs to undertake a probate process after a testator loses their life. It involves the identification of the deceased's rightful ownership interests, paying off the debts, and distributing the assets as indicated in the will. Different states use varied probate processes, making it essential to work with a probate lawyer to understand the procedure you should follow. An attorney dealing with probate process assistance will share with you the following information before starting the procedure. [Read More]

Why Would You Need to Retain an Art Lawyer?

The law permeates all aspects of American life, and the art world is no different. You might wonder who would ever need to hire an art lawyer and why. Let's address both of those questions. Buying and Selling The simplest reason someone might need an attorney of this type is to have legal counsel for art transactions. Folks who buy art as an investment, for example, may need to document provenance. [Read More]

What Does A Trademark Lawyer Need From You?

You have a piece of intellectual property you wish to defend through a trademark. It is time to meet with a trademark lawyer so you can be sure you've checked all the boxes. However, a trademark attorney will need a few things from you to get the process moving. All Versions of the Proposed Trademark Trademarks typically include some form of artwork or typography. Even if a trademark is nothing but stylized letters, such as the IBM logo, it still identifies the brand in a way worth defending. [Read More]