
Reasonable Causes To Request Abatement Of Penalties On Late Tax Returns

Some individual tax filers are unable to file a tax return in a timely manner because of circumstances beyond their control. If the delayed return results in a balance due, penalties are assessed on the overdue tax. Late filers with a justifiable reason for the delay may be able to reduce the associated penalties by requesting a penalty abatement. For late tax returns showing a balance due, a failure-to-file penalty and a failure-to-pay penalty are assessed.

The Benefits Of A Workers' Comp Lawyer

If you were injured on the job, then you might actually have an opportunity to get some money in the form of workers' compensation.  So what is workers' comp? Workers' compensation is a unique system that exists to get you the money that you deserve if you were injured while performing a function related to your work. Work-related injuries can cause you extreme stress, prevent you from working, and lead to massive medical bills.

3 Myths About Living Abroad And Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

If you are thinking about living abroad and currently receive Social Security disability benefits, you are still entitled to your benefits. Make sure you don't fall for these four myths about living abroad and not getting your Social Security benefits. Myth #1: You Don't Have To Tell The Social Security Office You're Moving Many individuals wrongly assume that as long as they keep a bank account here in the United States where their benefits can be automatically deposited, they don't have to let the Social Security office know that they are moving abroad.

Unconventional Ways To Co-Parent After A Divorce

Divorce is difficult for everyone, but it can be especially difficult for couples with children. There are many different custody arrangements divorced parents can make, but there are some you may not have heard about. Here are a few unconventional custody arrangements for divorced parents. 1. Co-Parenting In most traditional custody arrangements, one parent will receive primary custody (often this is the mother) and the other will have partial custody or visitation rights.

Do You Need A Probate Lawyer? 3 Questions To Ask

Do you have a loved one who recently passed away? Are you the executor on the estate? If so, you may find it helpful to hire a probate lawyer to guide the estate through the probate process. A lawyer can help you with some of the more complicated aspects of probate and can take care of administrative duties that you may not have time for. However, there may be some situations in which an attorney isn't necessary.

Student Loans And Bankruptcy: What You Need To Know

Although your student loan debt continues to pile up, you may not be forgiven of the debt in a bankruptcy case. Student loans and bankruptcy do not go hand-in-hand, but it is not impossible to ease your burden. Learn more about what happens to your student loans during bankruptcy. Can a Student Loan Be Forgiven in Bankruptcy? Student loans can be forgiven under bankruptcy law, but you must be able to prove financial hardship for the loan to be forgiven.

Avoid Foreclosure With A Short Sale Or Deed

You may be having trouble paying your mortgage on time and are looking at foreclosure. To avoid it, you have a limited number of options. Selling your home through a short sale is one of your best options. Here is information about selling your home in order to avoid getting the foreclosure on your record. How does a short sale work? When you sell the house as a short sale, you have permission from the mortgage loan lender to sell the house for less than what you currently owe for the loan.

Should You Settle Your Personal Injury Claim, Or Go To Court?

If you've received an offer that will allow you to settle your personal injury suit, you may find yourself struggling to decide whether to take the offer or head into court. Your injury attorney can offer his or her opinion on the issue, but you ultimately have to make the final decision. There are specific things that you should consider. The Risk Factor When you accept a settlement, there is no more question about whether or not you will win your case.

3 Costly Mistakes In A Domestic Violence Case

When faced with a difficult situation, it's easy to lose your temper. However, domestic violence could wind up getting you in some serious trouble. If you recently did something that you wish you could take back, it's not too late to prevent the matter from getting worse. When faced with domestic violence charges, you don't want to make one of the following mistakes. Not adhering to the rules laid out in the temporary order.

How Will A Domestic Violence Claim Impact Your Custody Case?

If you've been the victim of domestic violence at the hands of your child's other parent, you may assume that this action will eliminate any chance that this parent will receive joint or shared custody of your child. However, these matters can be a bit more complex than they may seem. Often, without a misdemeanor or felony domestic abuse conviction, the other parent will have the same parenting rights you do.