
4 Things To Know About Defending Yourself On Your Property

As a homeowner, defending yourself and your property is your right up to a certain point. There are many gray areas, so it's important to understand what it means when you are defending yourself against a trespasser on your property. Take a look at these examples: You Cannot Shoot Without Reason: First off, you cannot use a deadly weapon without reason. For example, if someone breaks into your home and you shoot before they do anything else, you will probably face charges, which could potentially be murder charges, so always be mindful of this.

Can A Teenager Decide Which Parent They Want To Reside With?

If you were divorced with a child, you likely have a child custody agreement. The agreement may have been decided by both parties, or a judge may have issued a ruling based on what they perceived to be the child's best interests. However, as your child grows and becomes a teenager, you may start to wonder if they have any say in which parent they reside in. There are a lot of people out there who believe that children do have a say in which parent they reside with once they become teenagers.

Things To Know About Being Arrested For Possession Of Marijuana

While marijuana is legal in some states for recreational or medicinal use, if you are caught in possession of marijuana in an area where it is illegal or you don't have a medical marijuana card, you can get in serious legal trouble. If you're arrested and charged with possession of marijuana, it is absolutely essential to hire a drug defense attorney immediately to represent you in court. Understanding Marijuana Possession

4 Things You Must Do Before Filing For Divorce

Most couples who choose to marry do not expect their relationship to end. Unfortunately, divorce is a reality for an estimated 40 to 50 percent of couples. Moving out of a shared residence is usually the first step once a person decides divorce is the answer, but there are a few other steps that should be taken. With this guide, you will know exactly what to do to ensure the divorce process is handled in an efficient and effective manner.

Tips For Avoiding A Common Mistake During Divorce

When it comes to settling a divorce, many people find themselves looking to get it over with as quickly as possible. This can lead to rash decisions which may actually cost you in the long run. Before you rush things in the interest of just getting it done, there are a few things that you should know. Here are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind.

Beware Of Bankruptcy Mills Posing As Free Bill Help Companies

People fall behind on their bills for an assortment of reasons, including job loss and unexpected emergencies. If you fall so far behind you risk losing your home or other assets, you may be tempted to take advantage of the free bill help advertized by a local company. However, it's essential that you thoroughly check out this type of company, because some of them are actually bankruptcy mills. Here's more information about this scam and what you can do to avoid falling for it.

2 Tips For Finding The Best DUI Attorney For Your Case

If you have been arrested for a DUI, then you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. If this is the case, then you should look into hiring a DUI attorney. A DUI attorney is a criminal defense attorney that is going to be qualified to take on your case. However, in order to have the best results possible, you want to find the best DUI attorney possible.

Disabled Adults Might Be Able To Access Their Parent's Social Security Benefits

Disabled adults who have never been able to work or were only able to work up until the age of 22 before becoming disabled or ill might be able to access Social Security benefits via their parent's work record if their parent has been steadily employed over several years. It is worth looking into and speaking to a lawyer who specializes in disability claims, especially if you have no other income and no means of earning an income due to your disability or illness.

How To Discourage Your Kid From Shoplifting

The legal consequences of shoplifting may not be as severe for a juvenile as they are for an adult, but this doesn't mean that the consequences are pleasant for minors. In serious cases, juveniles can be sentenced to community service or get sent to a juvenile detention center. As a parent, take the following precautions to discourage your child from stealing: Identify the Reason and Deal with It Kids steal for different reasons.

Trouble At Work? 2 Signs You Are Being Discriminated Against

When you are at work, you already have a lot on your plate. In addition to worrying about completing your daily workload, you might also be stressed about getting along with co-workers or landing that new client account. Unfortunately, many U.S. workers also have to worry about discrimination in the workplace—an invisible, yet ever-present glass ceiling that can affect every aspect of your job. Here are two signs you are being discriminated against in the workplace and what you can do to make things right.