Things To Know About Being Arrested For Possession Of Marijuana
While marijuana is legal in some states for recreational or medicinal use, if you are caught in possession of marijuana in an area where it is illegal or you don't have a medical marijuana card, you can get in serious legal trouble. If you're arrested and charged with possession of marijuana, it is absolutely essential to hire a drug defense attorney immediately to represent you in court.
Understanding Marijuana Possession
You can be charged with possession of marijuana when you knowingly have marijuana on your person, in your home, or in your automobile. It is also possible to be charged with possession if police discover that you have any type of paraphernalia that has even small amounts of marijuana residue in it. In addition, you may also be charged with crimes such as intent to distribute, DUI, and possession of paraphernalia, depending on the circumstances at the time of your arrest.
Misdemeanor vs. Felony
Possession of marijuana can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on several factors, such as the amount of marijuana in your possession at the time of arrest, age, criminal history, whether you were on the grounds of a school, whether you were also in possession of paraphernalia, and whether or not you were also in possession of a weapon.
Legal Ramifications of a Marijuana Possession Conviction
If you are convicted of felony marijuana possession, there is a good chance that you will be sentenced to prison or jail time. With a misdemeanor marijuana conviction, you will likely be required to pay steep fines to the court, attend drug abuse classes that you must pay for out of pocket, and you may be sentenced to perform a set number of community service hours.
The court system tends to take possession of marijuana charges quite seriously, and punishments can be severe, which is why is is so important to have your own drug defense attorney to fight on your behalf to overturn the charges or come to a favorable plea deal with the prosecutor.
Long-Term Consequences of a Possession of Marijuana Conviction
Once a possession of marijuana conviction is on your record, it is very difficult to get it removed. Even years after you have served your time or completed your court-ordered sentence, you could have difficulty getting hired for jobs because of your criminal record. It may also be harder to qualify for some federal student loans, and renting a home or apartment can be more difficult with a drug conviction.